Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

On the fourth of July we had our first guests aboard the boat soon to be known as Rode Trip. Sunny and Berkley decided to join us, and we had a fantastic cruise. The weather cooperated and we sailed all the way out to the Isles of Shoals.

Here is everyone about to be knocked around by a motor boat wake and they don't even know it yet....keep smiling.

Here is the view we had of White Island Lighthouse on Star Island. We don't have our electronic charts yet, so rather than spend the entire time with my worrywart nose stuck to the chart we kept the island at a healthy distance.
Here Sunny and Brian are trying for some fish. We are pretty sure that we hooked the smallest sculpin on earth, which we didn't even get onto the boat, but was about 4 inches long.

First trip out

On June 27th we took the future Rode Trip out for a sail towards the Isles of Shoals. Stephanie had a lot of time at the helm and we had a great trip down the river and about half way out to the Isles, when we saw a line of rain headed in our direction. We decided that hanging out at the Isles in the rain wasn't going to be that much fun and turned around. Once back at the mooring we enjoyed a bottle of wine that was given to us as a wedding present by the Markapotomous ( my younger brother). We had a great lunch before heading home.